Attention BCM and Houston community!
You're invited to the 13th annual Baylor College of Medicine Well-Being Community 5K organized by BCM students and BCM Well-Being. Since 2012, this event has helped support well-being initiatives focused on increased awareness toward good health and community service. This year’s 5K has been scheduled for Saturday, November 16, 2024 and will be in-person.
Proceeds benefit the Grants for Leadership Opportunities in Wellness (GLOW) award, which allows BCM students to apply for funding that supports internal or external community healthcare initiatives. Recent GLOW awards include:
- Yoganatomy – A yoga series spanning orientation and the first nine weeks of the anatomy class to reinforce terminology used in class and train students in common physical exam maneuvers.
- Emotional Roller Coaster Series – This comprises a series of 5 events from March to July in which students have the opportunity to share their experiences over lunch, coffee or dinner and participate in fun activities as well as learn about professional resources for counseling and emotional support.
- Longevity for Latinos – An initiative to combat health disparities being undertaken by the Latino Medical Student Association by conducting blood glucose and blood pressure screenings (with faculty supervision) in medically underserved areas of Houston that are predominantly Hispanic.
In the past, the Houston community has been a steadfast supporter of this event. Our student activities and community outreach have and will continue to benefit greatly from your participation.
Click here to view the new route: 2024 Route
Please see this website for more details and to register:
The last day to register and receive a t-shirt is Nov. 1. However, registration will remain open until Nov. 16!
If you'd like to volunteer at the event, please visit our SignUpGenius page or email